Contact Us

    How can we help you?
    1. Your Name (required)
    2. Email Address (required)
    3. Your Phone
    4. Subject:
    5. Your Message

    (970) 521-1030

    E-mail Address

    Physical Address
    155B Cucarola Rd.
    Sterling, CO 80751

    Mailing Address

    P.O. Box 267
    Sterling, CO 80751


    7:00am – 4:00pm

    Service Department
    24 Hrs / 7 days a week

    Contact Form (Terms and Conditions)

    By using this form you acknowledge and understand that we use spam prevention reCAPTCHA. It works by collecting hardware and software information, such as device and application data, and sending these data to Google for analysis. The information collected in connection with your use of the service will be used for improving reCAPTCHA and for general security purposes. It will not be used for personalized advertising by Better Electric or Google. Pursuant to Section 3(d) of the Google APIs Terms of Service.